
Book Tour internacional: Disclosure of the Heart (review) by @WordyMary

Por Fotos e Livros •
07 novembro 2013

I already did my review, early... here (bilingual) but I repost it (only in English) below.
Eu já fiz minha resenha, adiantada... confiram aqui (bilingue), mas vou recolocá-la (em inglês apenas) abaixo.

Title:   Disclosure of the Heart (Beside Your Heart #2)
Author:  Mary Whitney
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date:  November 5, 2013
Publisher:  OmniFic Publishing
Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.


Sixteen years is a long time to wait for your true love to reappear, and, anyway, Nicki Johnson couldn’t wait for the impossible to happen. Hard life lessons have taught her that fairy tales are children’s stories, and fate is cruel. Burying her hopes, she’s spent the last sixteen years focused and driven toward her career, and it’s landed her with a job at the White House with a gem of a boyfriend. But when her high school love, Adam Kincaid, walks into the White House as a BBC reporter, Nicki’s world is thrown into turmoil as she relives their past. Adam has come back for her, but has he arrived too late?

Dezesseis anos é muito tempo para esperar por seu amor verdadeiro reaparecer, e, de qualquer maneira, Nicki Johnson não podia esperar o impossível acontecer. Duras lições de vida tem ensinado a ela que os contos de fadas são histórias infantis, e o destino é cruel. Enterrando suas esperanças, ela passou os últimos 16 anos focado e dirigido em direção a sua carreira, e agora ela aterrissou eem um emprego na Casa Branca, com um maravilhoso namorado. Mas quando seu amor do colegial, Adam Kincaid, entra na Casa Branca como repórter da BBC, o mundo de Nicki é atirado ao tumulto quando ela revive o seu passado. Adam voltou para ela, mas ele chegou tarde demais?

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About the Author
Even before she graduated from law school, Mary Whitney knew she wasn’t cut out to be a real lawyer. Drawn to politics, she’s spent her career as an organizer, lobbyist, and nonprofit executive. Nothing piques her interest more than a good political scandal or romance, and when she stumbled upon writing, she put the two together. A born Midwesterner, naturalized Texan, and transient resident of Washington, D.C., Mary now lives in Northern California with her two daughters and real lawyer husband.
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My Impressions

Today I bring another bilingual review to be participating in the International Book Tour release of this book, the 2nd, after 'Beside your Heart', which I reviewed in June/2013.

Sixteen years after 'Beside your heart', Adam and Nicki are living in the same city, working in the same place... on their last night together as teenagers, before Adam came back to England they say that if they are living in the same city one day, or if Adam is not married at age 35, they should talk and maybe be friends...

" 'But what if... what if I was thirty-five and still single? Could I contact you then?'
What he described seemed unimaginable. I couldn't really comprehend what if would be like to be thirty-five. And the idea that he would ever be single was ridiculous. But I played along. I tried to think about waht it would be like if he called me when I was that old. Of course, if I was still single or even just casually dating someone, I'd be elated.
Yet, I said yes. 'In the highly un likely event that was the case, I'd say sure." Beside your heart posição 95%

Now, both are in Washington, DC working in the White House, Nicki is a press secretary Nicki of the new U.S. President, and Adam is the BBC correspondent in the White House. Both know they will meet, both know how each other is important to each other and what may happen when the two meet?
"Yet in the end, I couldn't simply walk away from Adam. I couldn't ignore the fact he was right behind me. After over fifteen years and an ocean between us, he was now only a few feet away.
Without an additional thought, I wheeled around to finally see him.
Stand before me, he was handsome, his smile was charming, and he seemed genuinely happy to see me, but I couldn't return the smile. I couldn't say any of my practiced lines. Seeing him flooded my mind with memories I'd long ago chosen to forget." posição 2%

Nicki tells her boss that Adam Kincaid was her date in high school, but kind of says it was nothing serious. She now has a boyfriend, serious, Juan Carlos, a Cuban, caliente, who is always traveling, they met during the President Logan's campaign, but with the success of the campaign 'JC' ends up winning several new clients leaving them half away. Nicki also tells him that Adam is in town ... but also does not show how much he was (is) important to her.
" 'He was at my  school for a yyeaar while his dad was working in Houston. We never kept in touch after he went back to England. I saw him today at the White House for the first time in over fifteen years.'
'Must not have been a very serious relationship if you haven't talked to him since high school.'
That threw me off. A serious relationship? In a way, Adam and I hadn't been serious at all; it wasn't like we'd been planning on getting married or anything. Yet the relationship itself was significant. As Lisa had said, Adam and I had been tight." posição 7%
Working together, living daily up and even outside the White House, as Sylvia (Adam's sister) and David (cousin) want to meet Nicki, they end up rekindling the flame and love... but they need to deal very carefully with all this, because it could cause a scandal for the President, because of their positions... but when Nicki and Adam can no longer hide the love and realize that the destiny is they live together, she searches for the President and opens and tells everything to him and together they create a plan not to create a scandal of major proportions.
" 'No buts. If we dwell on all the obstales between us, we'll never get anywhere.' He tucked an errant strand of hair behind my ear. 'Maybe we had to be apart all those yearss so we could be together now.' " posição 58%

Meanwhile Adam's father is suffering the final days of a cancer and now is the time to Nicki stands next to Adam and support him on pain of losing a loved one.

" 'You're smiling.'
'I am?' he asked.
'You are.'
'Probably because I'm so damn happy.'
'Good.' I gave him a kiss to punctuate it.
He rolled over and stare at the ceiling. 'It's odd though... feeling this way. I don't think I'm supposed to be cheery after my father has just died. It's very confuding.'
'I know. I remember that feeling.'
'What do you mean?'
'Way back... when we first started dating. I thought my heart was going to burst. I was so elated... such a giddy teenager. But even though everything felt right between us, I felt like I was doing something wrong - like I'd forgotten about Lauren. Like I should've been in mourning. I couldn't be in mouring, though, not with you around.' posição 91%

Nicki despite knowing that she loves Adam with all her being... is still insecure about the relationship and need to hear from Lisa, her best friend, and also of Adam, to make some decisions in favor of their relationship ... forever!
" 'Then think. Think about why you won't. What else is holding you back? Juan Carlos? You don't love him. If you did, you wouldn't be here with me. Is it your job? It's just a fucking job. I'll tell you, in the grand scheme of things, whatever it is, it's not important. You're what's most important to me. And from what you've said, I'm important to you. So let's stop pissing around and get fuck on with our lives.'" posição 67%

I loved the book, loved the characters, even more...  just I don't give 5 'stars' because I think I missed more hot scenes of them together...

The next book, due out in 2014 February or March,  shall be counted from Adam's POV... perhaps this next book will sexiest scenes and who knows, Mary, you can go a little beyond the final scene of this book... maybe we can go back to Scotland and we watch a scene of Adam and Nicki and his kilt?

Próximo post Minhas impressões (MI-84/13): O Visconde que me amava - Julia Quinn @editoraarqueiro #OsBridgertons02 Post anterior Minhas impressões (MI-83/13): Easy @tammarawebber - @Verus_Editora (resenha premiada)

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7 comentários:

  1. Leticia Ramos de Mello Oliveirsábado, novembro 09, 2013

    Tinha já lido a versão bilíngue dessa resenha e percebo que ela tem um toque daquela série Scandal, mesmo não havendo um escândalo com um presidente dos EUA, pois o motivo do escândalo aqui seria como a imparcialidade das noticias que Adam cobrirá como correspondente da BBC seria afetada por um romance com um membro da equipe do presidente americano.

  2. Alguma editora realmente podia publicá-lo aqui no Brasil, parece ser uma história encantadora.

  3. Não assisto TV, há algum tempo, não tenho seguido nenhuma série, por isso, nem sei se tem alguma semelhança, mas o que posso dizer é que este livro, e o anterior, são muito gostosos.

  4. Não sei como as Editoras brasileiras descobrem os livros, mas espero que alguma descubra logo estes livros, enquanto isso, continuo lendo em inglês...

  5. Jheyscilane Cavalcante Sousasegunda-feira, novembro 11, 2013

    Poxa, alguma editora deveria publicar por aqui. Eu compraria \o/

  6. Acho que devia ter campanha de "vamos encher a caixa de e-mail das editoras indicando tal livro" e quem sabe fazer com que livros bons apareçam por aqui! *--*

  7. Como disseram as meninas, as Editoras daqui deviam observar melhor, porque tem muita coisa boa que precisamos que seja publicado aqui e esse livro é uma dessas, historia maravilhosa né, eu já tinha lido a sua resenha que vc tinha feito e gostei muito!


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