
Blog Tour by @InkslingerPR: One Year Home by @MarieForce

Por Fotos e Livros •
09 agosto 2019

Hoje venho falar de mais um livro mega especial, de uma autora que me conquistou e que escreve super bem: Marie Force.



The hotly anticipated follow up to Five Years Gone is here!
ONE YEAR HOME by Marie Force is available now!

He came home a hero and lost the only woman he’s ever loved...

He came home a hero and lost the only woman he’s ever loved...

I have no idea how to survive without my beloved Ava. She had no choice but to move on with her life during my six-year deployment and has now married Eric. I hate him for taking her from me. I’d prefer to wallow in my depression and heartbreak, but the whole damned world wants a piece of the SEAL Team leader who helped capture the world’s most-wanted terrorist. I need help handling the relentless requests, and when Ava sends her new sister-in-law to manage the media circus for me, I’m prepared to hate her on principle. Her brother took my Ava. What else do I need to know about her?

It takes five seconds to realize Ava’s ex is going to be the most complicated and difficult client I’ve ever had, but the opportunity to represent the most celebrated man in the world could make my career. I’m determined to do the job, even if I dislike John from the moment I meet him. And I like everyone. So much so that my brothers worry about me being exploited by those who would take advantage of my unwavering love for others. But John… He’s in a class by himself, and his bitterness is a festering wound that I begin to wish I could somehow fix for him. The more time we spend together, the more our mutual disdain morphs into something that feels an awful lot like desire. There’s no way I can want this man, or so I tell myself, and when Eric finds out I’ve developed feelings for the man causing trouble in his new marriage, well…

That’s going to be a hot mess. 

Minhas impressões (My Review)

Quando eu vi ao final do livro Five years gone que o final feliz de John seria com Julianne, a irmã de Eric eu fiquei com receio da confusão que seria, mas Marie Force conseguiu escrever (mais) uma linda história de amor, uma história de superação, de amor, companheirismo, cumplicidade e tudo que um verdadeiro amor deve ter. When I saw at the end of the book Five years gone that John's happy ending would be with Julianne, Eric's sister I was afraid of the confusion it would be, but Marie Force managed to write (more) a beautiful love story, a love story. overcoming, of love, companionship, complicity and all that a true love must have.

John está de volta a vida após perder 5/6 anos lutando pela paz e após ter perdido seus dois melhores amigos nesta guerra, após perder parte da perna esquerda e após perder a mulher que deixou pra trás sem ter contado toda a verdade de sua vida,de sua carreira pra ela...quando ele voltou de sua quase morte e reencontrou Ava ela estava refazendo sua vida após ter esperado o retorno dele por 5 anos. Ava se casou com Eric um homem maravilhoso que a apoiou na vida (está é a história de Five years gone) mas ao reencontrar com John ela indica uma excelente publicista para ajudá-lo com toda a mídia e atenção que o mundo está querendo dele, após ele se tornar um herói americano, quiçá do mundo. Ava indica Julianne sua cunhada. John is back to life after losing 5/6 years fighting for peace and losing his two best friends in this war, losing part of his left leg and losing the woman he left behind without telling her the whole truth of his life, from his career to her... when he came back from his near death and rediscovered Ava she was redoing her life after waiting for his return for 5 years. Ava married Eric a wonderful man who supported her in life (this is the story of Five years gone) but upon reuniting with John she appoints an excellent publicist to help him with all the media and attention the world is wanting from him, after he became an American hero, perhaps of the world. Ava indicates Julianne her sister-in-law.

Quando Julianne e Jonh se encontram apesar de já haver a admiração, há a dificuldade de quem eles são para Ava. E todo o mal humor de John com a situação em que se encontra, precisando dar entrevista sobre sua vida, quando a vida inteira foi treinado para nano falar sobre suas missões, agora a Marinha quer que ele fale para conseguir mais alisamentos, antes que ele possa aposentar. When Julianne and Jonh meet despite the admiration, there is the difficulty of who they are to Ava. And all John's moodiness with the situation he is in, needing to interview his life when his whole life was gone. Trained to nano talk about his missions, now the Navy wants him to talk to get more straightenings before he can retire.

Julianne é uma mulher forte, com alguma experiência em administrar mídias, muito honrada por trabalhar junto do herói nacional, mas ciente das dificuldades que ele tem para se abrir... O que Jules e John não esperavam e nem poderiam sonhar com esta possibilidade era que eles iriam se apaixonar, uma paixão forte e arrebatadora para ambos.  Um amor tão arrebatador que faz com que John consiga tornar a ter esperanças e sonhos. Julianne is a strong woman with some media management experience, very honored to work with the national hero, but aware of the difficulties he has in opening himself. What Jules and John had not expected and could not dream of was that. that they would fall in love, a strong and overwhelming passion for both of them. Such a sweeping love that John can hope and dream again.

Marie Force inseriu partes onde acompanhamos como estão Ava e Eric em sua lua de mel. Essa parte vem para agregar a história de John e Jules e dar um final mais feliz a Eric e Ava. Marie Force inserted parts where we follow how Ava and Eric are on their honeymoon. This part comes to add the story of John and Jules and give a happier ending to Eric and Ava.

Ler sobre os homens e mulheres que buscam a paz do mundo em suas missões do outro lado do mundo me faz admirar esse povo guerreiro, destemido que entrega suas vidas à luta pela paz. Reading about the men and women who seek world peace in their missions on the other side of the world makes me admire this fearless warrior people who give their lives to the struggle for peace.


Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance, including the indie-published Gansett Island Series and the Fatal Series from Harlequin Books. In addition, she is the author of the Butler, Vermont Series, the Green Mountain Series and the erotic romance Quantum Series. In 2019, her new historical Gilded series from Kensington Books will debut with Duchess By Deception

All together, her books have sold 6.5 million copies worldwide, have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have appeared on the New York Times bestseller list many times. She is also a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller, a Speigel bestseller in Germany, a frequent speaker and publishing workshop presenter as well as a publisher through her Jack’s House Publishing romance imprint. She is a two-time nominee for the Romance Writers of America’s RITA® award for romance fiction. 

Her goals in life are simple—to finish raising two happy, healthy, productive young adults, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news.


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