
Lançamento Internacional (MI-39/16): Taking Charge @RuthieCardello Série Lone Star Burn #04

Por Fotos e Livros •
25 outubro 2016

Este é um lançamento internacional de uma autora que gosto muito e que está sendo esquecida no Brasil... a Editora Leya lançou alguns livros dela, não trabalhou direito e as vendas não foram boas, e por isso acho que deixaram de lançar o restante da Série. Eu fico muito incomodada com o descaso de certas editoras com os livros e séries que amamos.

Book description:
From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Ruth Cardello comes the steamy
new release to the Lone Star Burn series.
Lucy Albright never wanted her family’s Texas ranch, but now it’s in
foreclosure. She’s already lost so much she can’t bear the thought of losing one
more thing. Lucy learned the hard way not to accept help from a man when there are strings
attached, so she’ll do whatever it takes to save the ranch on her own terms—even
if that means launching an online business marketing high-­tech sex toys.
Ranch manager David Harmon has a reputation for being a cowboy with a heart of gold.
Even if she refuses his help, down-and-out Lucy is the kind of woman he’ll do anything to
protect. And while David may not know much about Lucy’s naughty side business, that
won’t stop a cowboy from doing something he’s set his mind to.
With the ranch threatened by a scheming neighbor, Lucy can’t help but keep David
around. Their attraction may be undeniable, but will the spark between them burn her entire
future to the ground?
Buy links: Amazon | Amazon UK

Minhas impressões (My review)

Este é o quarto livro da Série Lone Star Burn e eu li o primeiro livro há muito tempo, não atrapalhou o entendimento desta história, só fiquei imaginando como os personagens principais (Lucy e David) apareceram nos livros anteriores, já que os personagens principais dos outros livros apareceram em 'Taking Charge' ajudando, mostrando serem amigos de Lucy e David de uma forma intensa e familiar. Daquelas amizades que se tornam uma grande e feliz família. This is the fourth book in the Lone Star Burn Series and I read the first book for a long time, not hurt the understanding of this story, I was just wondering how the main characters (Lucy and David) appeared in earlier books, as the main characters of other books appeared in 'Taking Charge' helping, showing that they are intense friends of Lucy and David and even familiar. Those friendships that become one big happy family.

Lucy Albright perdeu seu pai, e precisou voltar com o irmão para o Texas, o Rancho da família, para cuidar da mãe e do Rancho, mas as coisas ficaram ainda mais difíceis quando o irmão não conseguiu administrar o achar uma solução para o Rancho e fugiu, deixando Lucy com a mãe, que acabou morrendo também... agora Lucy está em frangalhos e não sabe o que fazer... é quando um vizinho (Ted York) se oferece para ajudá-la a quitar as dividas do Rancho, e quando sua melhor amiga Sarah (do primeiro livro) manda David Harmon para ajudá-la... Lucy Albright lost her father, and had to return with her brother to Texas Family Ranch, to take care of the mother and Ranch, but things got even harder when her brother could not manage to find a solution to the Ranch and fled, leaving Lucy with her mother, who eventually died too... now Lucy is in shambles and not know what to do... is when a neighbor (Ted York) offers to help her pay off the debts of the Ranch, and when her best friend Sarah (the first book) sends David Harmon to help her ...

Mas quando David chega em Mavis, Lucy já se comprometeu com Ted e apesar de se sentir atraída para o lindo cowboy o manda de volta para Fort Mavis, agradecendo a amiga Sarah... But when David arrives at Mavis, Lucy has committed with Ted and despite being attracted to the gorgeous cowboy sends him back to Fort Mavis, thanking her friend Sarah ...

Os meses passam, David não consegue esquecer Lucy e ela não consegue se perdoar por ter aceitado ficar noiva de Ted, apenas por ele ter emprestado o dinheiro para salvar o Rancho, e é ai que ela resolve se fortalecer e colocar sua vida de novo no rumo, e que David reaparece e tenta ajudá-la. Months pass, David can not forget Lucy and she can't forgive herself for agreeing to stay Ted's fiancé, just that he had borrowed the money to save the ranch, and that's where she decides to strengthen and put her life in a new direction, and when David reappears and tries to help her.

Gostei da estória, apesar de ter achado Lucy um tanto chata, imatura, insegura, entendo que ela perdeu muito, confiou em pessoas erradas, mas é meio 'birrenta' e se não tivesse um homem maravilhoso como David poderia perder ainda mais. I liked the story, despite I've found Lucy annoying and both, immature and insecure, I understand that she lost a lot, she trusted the wrong people, but it's kind 'sturbborn' and  if she didn't had a wonderful man like David she could lose even more.


She met his eyes, and for a moment her resolve wavered. He had the kindest eyes she’d
ever looked into. What would we be to each other if we’d known each other before all this? If I
wasn’t already a tangled mess on the inside?

Why ask myself what might have been, when all I have is here and now?

“Keeping this ranch is my priority now. My only priority. I know how ungrateful that sounds, but I
asked you not to come. I warned you. Good-bye, David.”

He bent closer again, so close Lucy’s resolve began to dissolve. “I’m not leaving until I’m sure
you’re safe, Lucy. Wyatt hired me to help look after the outbuildings, and I agreed to bring some
of my horses over to give work to some of the men who were here today. Wyatt seems to think
they’ll need it.”

The room spun. “Wyatt can’t hire you. This is my ranch.”

David caressed the side of Lucy’s face, running the back of his fingers down one side of her
neck. “Wyatt’s worried about you. He thinks you need someone to watch over you. I

The pleasure of his touch confused Lucy. She felt vibrantly alive, and her miserable morning
was too easy to forget. No. No. No. She pushed his hand away. “I don’t care what Wyatt thinks,
and I don’t care what you do, either. I’m telling you to leave. I don’t want you here.”

“Then why do you look like you want to kiss me so damn much?” he asked.

Lucy turned away from him. She wrapped her arms around herself. She could lie to him and say
he was wrong, but they’d both know it wasn’t true. “You say you want to help me, David, but you
don’t listen to me. I will save this ranch, and I will do it myself.” She turned back to face him.
“Haven’t you ever needed to prove something to yourself so badly that an easier way of doing
something was impossible to consider?”

David nodded. “And that was usually right before I fell on my face.”

She sputtered angrily and was about to tell him off when he raised his hand to caress her cheek
again. “We’re at a standoff, you and I. My daddy always said the secret to solving a
disagreement was finding a compromise both could live with. Wyatt needs help outside, the
men who were here today need jobs, and I need to know you’re okay.”

He ran a mesmerizing thumb across her parted lips. “You need to save the ranch on your own.
What if I promise I won’t step in to help again unless you ask me to, and in return you let me pay
for the use of your barns and fields to train my horses.”

“You can’t pay me. I owe you money.”
“Then charge me and deduct as we go. I’ll pay you a fair rate for the lease of your

“Why would you do that?” Besides to sleep with me, because that can’t happen.

As if he heard her, he dropped his hand and stepped back. The sadness she felt at the absence
of his touch was as confusing as fighting the pleasure from it had been. “I’ve been thinking
about getting my own place for a while. This would be a way to test how I like it. Working with
Tony has been good for me, but like you, it’s time for me to see what I can do on my

“You can’t stay in the main house.” Lucy blushed right after she blurted her thought

A slow smile spread across his face. “Wyatt suggested I stay in the old workers’ quarters. None
of the men who were here today will be looking to stay there. It’ll be perfect.”

Perfectly crazy.

Am I honestly considering this? “If I say yes, it doesn’t mean I’m agreeing to anything else. I
want to be clear about that.”

A twinkle lit his eyes. “Why, Miss Lucy, what else might I think you were agreeing to?”

Author Bio:

Ruth Cardello was born the youngest of 11 children in a small city in northern Rhode Island.
She spent her young adult years moving as far away as she could from her large extended
family. She lived in Boston, Paris, Orlando, New York--then came full circle and moved back to
Rhode Island. She now happily lives one town over from the one she was born in. For her,
family trumped the warmer weather and international scene.

She was an educator for 20 years, the last 11 as a kindergarten teacher. When her school
district began cutting jobs, Ruth turned a serious eye toward her second love- writing and has
never been happier. When she's not writing, you can find her chasing her children around her
small farm, riding her horses, or connecting with her readers online.

Connect with the author:

Website: www.RuthCardello.com
FaceBook: www.facebook.com/RuthCardello
Twitter: @RuthieCardello
Email Notice of New Releases: www.ruthcardello.com/contact/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4820876.Ruth_Cardello
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Ruth-Cardello/e/B005HZXDKW
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