
Lançamento Internacional: Marry Screw Kill

Por Fotos e Livros •
25 abril 2016
Em breve resenha, deste livro internacional de Liv Morris.

 Para quem lê em inglês, parece ser bem legal!!!!

 Marry Screw Kill by Liv Morris is NOW LIVE!


There are two men in my life. I’m marrying one, want to screw the brains out of another, and by the time this story is over you may want to kill someone.

The choices are still pending...

A NO CHEATING standalone you need to read sitting down.

About the Author:

Liv Morris
USA Today bestselling author, Liv Morris, was raised in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. She now resides on the rock known as St. Croix, USVI with her first and hopefully last husband. After relocating twelve times during his corporate career, she qualifies as a professional mover. Learning to bloom where she's planted, Liv brings her moving and life experience to her writing.


Próximo post Lançamento Internacional: Ain't She Sweet by @marieforce Post anterior Minhas Impressões (MI-20/16): Um Novo Amanhã - Nora Roberts #APousada01

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