
International Booktour: Review (MI-21/16) Marry Screw Kill - Liv Morris (bilingual review)

Por Fotos e Livros •
29 abril 2016

Eu achei muito interessante o título e a sinopse (Blurb) de Marry Screw kill de Liv Morris e não resisti à tentação de participar do Book Tour Internacional

Marry Screw Kill by Liv Morris is NOW LIVE! 

Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1phZ8qI
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1QnZhPH
iBooks: http://apple.co/1VPdFqS
Nook: hyperurl.co/NookMSK
Kobo: hyperurl.co/KoboMSK


There are two men in my life. I’m marrying one, want to screw the brains out of another, and by the time this story is over you may want to kill someone.

The choices are still pending...

A NO CHEATING standalone you need to read sitting down.

 My Review

Harlow Masters perdeu a mãe há quatro meses e desde então foi acolhida na casa de um médico mais velho que ela, Dr James Elliott, que demonstrou tanta bondade fazendo de tudo para ela não se sentir sozinha com a perda da mãe, que ela acabou ficando noiva dele... mas passado o pior momento e com a chegada do sobrinho de James, Sinclair SIN Elliott, que vai a Rochester para fazer um curso de verão na Clinica onde o tio é médico cirurgião cardíaco.
Harlow Masters lost her mother four months ago and has since been taken up in the house of an older doctor, Dr James Elliott, who showed such kindness doing everything for her not to feel alone with the loss of her mother, that she ended up his fiancée... but past the worst time and with the arrival of James's nephew, Sinclair SIN Elliott, who goes to Rochester to do a summer course in clinic where his uncle is a cardiac surgeon.

Antes mesmo da chegada de Sin, Harlow já está em dúvida sobre o casamento com James, porque desde que estão juntos ele parece estar se tornando cada dia mais autoritário e possessivo. Mas a chegada de Sin faz com que ela perceba o que um verdadeiro homem deve fazer por uma mulher, tratá-la com respeito, ouvindo com interesse seus assuntos e não querendo ser o único a ter direitos, não impedir as amizades, acima de tudo ser um Homem perfeito.
Even before the arrival of Sin, Harlow is already in doubt about marrying James, because since they are together he seems to becoming more authoritarian and possessive, day by day. But the arrival of Sin makes her realize what a real man should do for a woman, treat her with respect, listening with interest your subjects and not wanting to be the one to have rights, not prevent friendships, above all be a perfect man.

Eu adorei a história, apesar de ter demorado um pouco para as coisas se concretizarem entre Sin e Harlow, já que ele percebendo o quanto ela sofreu nas mãos do tio maluco, a respeitou, namorou como nos tempos antigos, com beijos, castos e não castos, mas principalmente segurando as mãos e se conhecendo e se apaixonando.
I loved the story, though it took a while for things to materialize between Sin and Harlow, since he realized how much she suffered at the hands of the crazy uncle, the respected, dated as in ancient times, with kisses, chaste and not chaste, but mostly holding hands and meeting and falling in love.

Sin foi um anjo salvador de Harlow de várias maneiras.
Sin was a Harlow's saving angel in various ways.

Um livro encantador, um casal muito lindo!
A wonderful book, a lovely couple!

“Harlow, Harlow,” he murmurs in reverence, as if my previous profession of love has brought him to his knees.
He takes my hand and brings it to his lips. His gentle kisses make me drift to a memory from a couple hours ago when Sin’s lips brushed over my knuckles. I felt everything then. My senses hummed. Now, I feel nothing.
I try to ease my hand from his, but his grip holds me in place. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say these words?” He places another kiss on my hand. “I forgive you for tonight.” I do need his forgiveness, because his lips aren’t the ones I want on me. The ones I want belong to the man driving the car behind us. The fact that he’s James’ nephew makes me feel even more ashamed. What is wrong with me?“You say you love me, but I need you to show me your love. Erase what I saw.” He releases my hand and I can guess what he wants: sex. It’s how he communicates.
“Unzip your dress and remove your bra,” he instructs, his voice rough.I don’t want to upset him more, so I work myself out of my dress and bra. The air conditioning blows across my bare breasts and my nipples harden. I’m tempted to cover them with my hands, but he wouldn’t approve, so they stay at my sides.Eyeing my exposed body, he licks his lips, pleased with what he sees. He reaches over to touch the side of my breast, cupping it with his hand. His thumb finds my nipple and strokes over it, pinching it hard. I inhale a sharp breath at the assaulting sensation.
“You’re utter perfection. Feel how hard you make me.” His fingers leave my breast and grip my hand. Placing my hand over his bulging erection and curling my fingers around him, I close my eyes.
“Now, unzip my pants and put me in your hot mouth.”

About the Author:

Liv Morris
USA Today bestselling author, Liv Morris, was raised in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. She now resides on the rock known as St. Croix, USVI with her first and hopefully last husband. After relocating twelve times during his corporate career, she qualifies as a professional mover. Learning to bloom where she's planted, Liv brings her moving and life experience to her writing.



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