Esta será um resenha diferente... eu não vou falar de cada um dos livros, vou falar de cada um dos irmãos e de toda a série. This will be a different review ... I will not talk about each of the books, I will talk about each of the brothers and the entire series.
Eu recebi todos os livros (e-books) para ler (os oito) e fui lendo ao longo de 1 mês, mesmo já tendo livro o primeiro livro, eu o reli para lembrar da história e do casal. I received all the books (e-books) to read (eight) and I was reading over 1 month, even got the book first book, I reread it to remember the story and the couple.
capas dos livros impressos
Os irmãos Callaway são filhos de Jack e Linda Callaway, mas em uma família do tipo, os meus, os seus e os nossos, já que Jack ficou viúvo com quatro meninos pequenos, e Linda se separou e tinha duas meninas, quando eles se apaixonaram e se casaram viraram uma família um pouco maior com os seis filhos de idades próximas e criados juntos, depois tiveram os gêmeos (na série teremos vários gêmeos). Os filhos pela ordem de idade são:
The Callaway siblings are sons and daughters of Jack and Linda Callaway, but in a family like that, mine, yours and ours, since Jack was a widower with four little boys, and Linda separated and had two little girls, when they fell in love and married became a family a little bigger with six children close in age and brought up together, then had the twins (in the series will have many twins). The children by the order of age are:
- Burke - Livro 8
- Aiden - Livro 1
- Nicole - Livro 4
- Drew - Livro 3
- Emma - Livro 2
- Sean - Livro 5
- Colton - Livro 7
- Shayla - Livro 6
Mesmo com a mistura de meus e seus e nossos a família de Jack e Linda é muito unida e são irmãos que se preocupam uns com os outros e se amam e se cuidam de uma forma que não é o sangue que os une, mas o amor com que foram criados. Even with the mixture of mine and yours and our, the family of Jack and Linda is very united and are siblings who care about each other and love each other and take care of them in a way that is not the blood that unites them, but love with which they were created.
Há uma tradição na família Callaway de servirem e ajudarem a comunidade e grande parte deles é bombeiro na cidade de São Francisco, Califórnia (mais uma série passada na cidade dos meus sonhos), dentre os filhos de Jack e Linda, Burke, Aiden, Emma e Colton lidam com o fogo dia-a-dia, mas Drew é ex-marine e atualmente piloto de helicóptero para a Guarda Costeira, Nicole é professora, Shayla é médica e apenas Sean saiu da tradição e é músico. There is a tradition in the Callaway family to serve and help the community and most of them is firefighter in the city of San Francisco, California (once more series in the city of my dreams), in the sons of Jack and Linda, Burke, Aiden, Emma and Colton deal with the fire day to day, but Drew is a former marine and currently helicopter pilot for the Coast Guard, Nicole is a teacher, Shayla is a doctor and only Sean left the tradition and is a musician.
Uma coisa muito linda desta série são os pais de Jack, Patrick e Eleanor Callaway que estão juntos há quase 60 anos e vivem um amor de muita parceria e amizade, desde o primeiro livro descobrimos que Eleanor sofre de Alzheimer e vamos acompanhando suas perdas e ganhos... e o carinho do marido, filhos, netos e amigos com esta senhorinha muito fofa e ativa, com uma linda história de luta (que conhecemos no livro de Colton - When the Shadows Fall). A very beautiful thing in this series are the parents of Jack, Patrick and Eleanor Callaway they have been together for almost 60 years and live a love of great partnership and friendship, from the first book we find that Eleanor suffers from Alzheimer and we watching their losses and gains... and her husband's affection, affection ofh her children, her grandchildren and her friends with this very cute and active little lady with a beautiful story of struggle (we know in the book of Colton - When the Shadows Fall).
Todos os livros, assim como todos os irmãos têm seu charme, sua força, seu trabalho e descobre o amor verdadeiro em mulheres e homens que também são maravilhosos e que os completam e ajudam e os fortalecem cada vez mais. All books, as well as all the brothers have their charm, their strength, their work and finds their true love in women and men who are also wonderful and that complement and help and strengthen more and more.
O que mais me encantou nas histórias de Barbara Freethy é que seus livros não são romances puros, daqueles onde há apenas o encontrar a pessoa certa, se apaixonar e 'viver felizes para sempre' e apesar das cenas de amor, serem encantadoras (são poucas) não são explícitas, têm um erotismo intrínseco e ainda temos sempre um mistério, uma aventura, alguma coisa que faz o casal e a família passarem por momentos de tensão e perigo. What most delighted me in Barbara Freethy1s stories is that her books are not pure romances, those where there is just finding the right person, fall in love and 'live happily ever after' but despite the love scenes, are lovely (there are few) are not explicit, have an intrinsic eroticism and have always been a mystery, an adventure, something that makes the couple and the family go through moments of tension and danger.
Achei os livros de Barbara um pouco como os livros individuais de Nora Roberts, mas os de Nora são maiores com mais detalhes e histórias (tanto amor quanto mistério). I thought Barbara books a bit like the individual books of Nora Roberts, but Nora are larger with more details and stories (as much love as mystery).
E ainda teremos mais livros dos primos Callaway,veja a confirmação da autora abaixo, eu amei saber isso. And we still will have more books Callaway cousins, see confirmation of the author below, I loved knowing that.
A única editora brasileira que editou um livro de Barbara Freethy, há bastante tempo, foi a Novo Conceito, que lançou Tudo o que ela sempre quis: A busca por um terrível segredo pode não ser a melhor opção
, mas eu espero que alguma boa editora conheça a autora e a publique, principalmente Os Callaways, aqui no Brasil. The only Brazilian publisher who edited a book by Barbara Freethy, a long time ago, was Novo Conceito, but I hope some good publisher knows the author and publish, mainly The Callaways, here in Brazil.
Para quem quiser mais livros da autora (em inglês) clique no link abaixo e compre na Amazon Brasil
@FotoseLivros Yes, many more Callaway family books to come! Thanks for sharing with your friends!
— Barbara Freethy (@BarbaraFreethy) 10 abril 2015
A única editora brasileira que editou um livro de Barbara Freethy, há bastante tempo, foi a Novo Conceito, que lançou Tudo o que ela sempre quis: A busca por um terrível segredo pode não ser a melhor opção
About the Callaway Blog Tour & All Its Great Prizes!
This is the week you finally meet the Callaways! Not only are they all over the web as part of their extraordinary blog tour, but they are also out and about in your neighborhood. That's right; we're celebrating the print launch with Ingram by throwing a party all over the world! Make sure to follow this tour closely for your chance to win gift cards, swag, autographed books, and other incredible prizes.
All the info you need to join the fun and enter to win amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment—easy to enter; easy to win!
To Win the Prizes:
- Purchase any of the Callaway novels by Barbara Freethy (optional)
- Enter the Rafflecopter contest on Novel Publicity (go here)
- Visit today’s featured social media event (that's where the HUGE prizes are)
About The Callaways: The Callaways were born to serve and protect! In Barbara’s new connected family series, each of the eight siblings in this blended Irish-American family find love, mystery and adventure, often where they least expect it! Each book stands alone, but for the full enjoyment of the series, you might want to start at the beginning with On A Night Like This! Get the eBooks via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, or Kobo.
About the Author: Barbara Freethy has been making up stories most of her life. Growing up in a neighborhood with only boys and a big brother who was usually trying to ditch her, she spent a lot of time reading. When she wasn’t reading, she was imagining her own books. After college and several years in the P.R. field, she decided to try her hand at a novel. Now Barbara is a #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling author loved by readers all over the world. Her novels range from contemporary romance to romantic suspense and women's fiction. Learn more on her website, Facebook page, or in her Street Team.
This is the week you finally meet the Callaways! Not only are they all over the web as part of their extraordinary blog tour, but they are also out and about in your neighborhood. That's right; we're celebrating the print launch with Ingram by throwing a party all over the world! Make sure to follow this tour closely for your chance to win gift cards, swag, autographed books, and other incredible prizes.
All the info you need to join the fun and enter to win amazing prizes is RIGHT HERE. Remember, winning is as easy as clicking a button or leaving a blog comment—easy to enter; easy to win!
To Win the Prizes:
About The Callaways: The Callaways were born to serve and protect! In Barbara’s new connected family series, each of the eight siblings in this blended Irish-American family find love, mystery and adventure, often where they least expect it! Each book stands alone, but for the full enjoyment of the series, you might want to start at the beginning with On A Night Like This! Get the eBooks via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, or Kobo.
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