Title: The Air He Breathes
Author: Romance Elements #1
Cover Design: Brittainy C. Cherry
Genre: Romance
Release Date: September 25, 2015
My Review
Eu li este livros em um dia... me apaixonei por Tristan Cole, um homem solitário em uma cidade pequena, onde todos tomam conta de todos e já andam falando muitas coisas esquisitas deste homem que corre descalço, acompanhado de seu cachorro Zeus.
I read this book in one day ... fell in love with Tristan Cole, a lonely man in a small town where everyone takes care of everyone and go already talking a lot of weird things about this man who running barefoot, accompanied by his dog Zeus.
I read this book in one day ... fell in love with Tristan Cole, a lonely man in a small town where everyone takes care of everyone and go already talking a lot of weird things about this man who running barefoot, accompanied by his dog Zeus.
E me apaixonei por Elizabeth e Emma, mãe e filha, que perderam o marido e pai, e fugiram para outra cidade, agora, um ano depois voltam para casa... e a primeira pessoa que encontram em 'Meadow Creek' é Tristan e seu cachorro.
And I fell in love with Elizabeth and Emma, mother and daughter, who lost her husband and father, and fled to another city, now, a year after they return home... and the first person they meet in 'Meadow Creek' is Tristan and his dog.
Tristan e Elizabeth perderam seus amados em trágicos acidentes, mas Tristan perdeu o filho também, se isolou e não quer mostrar a ninguém os seus sentimentos, mas Liz consegue perceber a tristeza em seus olhos e tenta ser amiga dele...
Tristan and Elizabeth lost their loved ones in tragic accidents, but Tristan also lost his son , isolated and do not want to show anyone his feelings, but Liz can see the sadness in his eyes and try to be his friend...
No início as coisas são difíceis, mas eles vão se ajudando e se equilibrando e o relacionamento que começou meio estranho se transforma de forma linda e redentora, adoro livros com segundas chances, sejam do mesmo casal, o de encontrar um novo amor, após a perda de um outro grande amor.
At the beginning things are difficult, but they will be helping and balancing each other and the relationship which started kind of weird turns in a lovely and redemptive way, I love books with second chances, as well when the same couple find second chances, as when people find a new love after loss another great love.
O livro tem capítulos ora pelo POV de Elizabeth ora pelo POV de Tristan. The book has chapters counted for Elizabeth's POV others counted for Tristan's POV.
And I fell in love with Elizabeth and Emma, mother and daughter, who lost her husband and father, and fled to another city, now, a year after they return home... and the first person they meet in 'Meadow Creek' is Tristan and his dog.
Tristan e Elizabeth perderam seus amados em trágicos acidentes, mas Tristan perdeu o filho também, se isolou e não quer mostrar a ninguém os seus sentimentos, mas Liz consegue perceber a tristeza em seus olhos e tenta ser amiga dele...
Tristan and Elizabeth lost their loved ones in tragic accidents, but Tristan also lost his son , isolated and do not want to show anyone his feelings, but Liz can see the sadness in his eyes and try to be his friend...
No início as coisas são difíceis, mas eles vão se ajudando e se equilibrando e o relacionamento que começou meio estranho se transforma de forma linda e redentora, adoro livros com segundas chances, sejam do mesmo casal, o de encontrar um novo amor, após a perda de um outro grande amor.
At the beginning things are difficult, but they will be helping and balancing each other and the relationship which started kind of weird turns in a lovely and redemptive way, I love books with second chances, as well when the same couple find second chances, as when people find a new love after loss another great love.
O livro tem capítulos ora pelo POV de Elizabeth ora pelo POV de Tristan. The book has chapters counted for Elizabeth's POV others counted for Tristan's POV.
"Lizzie", I said, pulling her closer. "I want to kiss you. The real you. The sad you. The broken you." 55%
I was warned about Tristan Cole.
“Stay away from him,” people said.
“He’s cruel.”
“He’s cold.”
“He’s damaged.”
It’s easy to judge a man because of his past. To look at Tristan and see a monster.
But I couldn’t do that. I had to accept the wreckage that lived inside of him because it also lived inside of me.
We were both empty.
We were both looking for something else. Something more.
We both wanted to put together the shattered pieces of our yesterdays.
Then perhaps we could finally remember how to breathe.
“Stay away from him,” people said.
“He’s cruel.”
“He’s cold.”
“He’s damaged.”
It’s easy to judge a man because of his past. To look at Tristan and see a monster.
But I couldn’t do that. I had to accept the wreckage that lived inside of him because it also lived inside of me.
We were both empty.
We were both looking for something else. Something more.
We both wanted to put together the shattered pieces of our yesterdays.
Then perhaps we could finally remember how to breathe.
Author Bio
Brittainy Cherry has been in love with words since the day she took her first breath. She graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelors Degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Creative Writing. She loves to take part in writing screenplays, acting, and dancing--poorly of course. Coffee, chai tea, and wine are three things that she thinks every person should partake in! Brittainy lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her family. When she's not running a million errands and crafting stories, she's probably playing with her adorable pets.
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