
Lançamento internacional de @RuthieCardello 'Loving Gigi'

Por Fotos e Livros •
30 julho 2015
No Brasil, Ruth Cardello, já tem alguns livros lançados, pela Editora Leya (estou inclusive aguardando os próximos livros da série Legacy Collection)... e para quem lê em inglês, temos o lançamento de mais um livro, de outra série: The Andrades.

O quinto livro da série é:
 Book 5: Loving Gigi (Coming August 6, 2015)


Gigi Bassano

Young. Beautiful. Idealistic. Proud. Gigi was raised outside the
Andrade clan, but it has left her with an ache she cannot deny. When
she’s invited to her brothers’ weddings, she refuses at first, then
changes her mind and attends without telling anyone. She won’t let
herself love them, but she can’t stay away. It’s a recipe for
disappointment and heartbreak.
Especially when she throws herself at her brother’s best friend, Kane.

Kane Sander

Sexy, rich, loyal, protective. He shouldn't want her. But he will.
He should stay away from her. But he won’t.

Love doesn’t follow anyone’s rules. Deny it. Run from it. Love always
finds a way.

The Andrades:

Book 1: Come Away With Me (Free Download)

Book 2: Home to Me

Book 3: Maximum Risk

Book 4: Somewhere Along the Way

Book 5: Loving Gigi


AmazonBR  AmazonUS   AmazonUK  AmazonCA  AmazonAU



Author Bio:
Ruth Cardello was born the youngest of 11 children in a small city in northern Rhode Island. She spent her young adult years moving as far away as she could from her large extended family. She lived in Boston, Paris, Orlando, New York--then came full circle and moved back to Rhode Island. She now happily lives one town over from the one she was born in. For her, family trumped the warmer weather and international scene.

She was an educator for 20 years, the last 11 as a kindergarten teacher. When her school district began cutting jobs, Ruth turned a serious eye toward her second love- writing and has never been happier. When she's not writing, you can find her chasing her children around her small farm, riding her horses, or connecting with her readers online.

Author Contact:

FaceBook: www.facebook.com/RuthCardello

Twitter: @RuthieCardello
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